Thursday 13 October 2011

My work

I have been working in branding now for about a year and as i am about to leave my job / country soon i thought i would share with you lot some of the best branding exercises i have come across to date ! Well they make me laugh anyway !

                 I would love to know if anyone took their child in there to swap it or to "change" it ?

                               It's the leaning in of the adult figure i think that makes it wrong !

                                                  A safe place for people to molest you ?

                                                  Asians are the best at getting it wrong !

  Research is everything! In Spanish the translation of Pajero means wanker !( Cheers Fozzy)

                                            Expect a bumpy ride if these guys succeed !

                      Me in Singapore and yes i know its terrible but at the time 3/4 lenghts were in !

Oh how i wish i had contributed to the world of branding like these guys have but unfortunatley i am not THAT stupid ! They are at the point of being so bad that it doesn't matter as they are memorable and if you strip back this bullshit business that is what it is all about !

                                             Now a little 1 good ,1 complete an utter shite


                                                                    Utter Shite!
                                                               Fuck off and die Bruno !


  1. I wonder if Fourskin gets a lot of nostalgic Jewish clientele.

  2. The wonders of what could have been ! Nostailgic at first quickly turning into envious through a lack of feeling the older they get !

  3. I'm liking the Chinese restarant one.

    GTFO with Bruno Mars though.

  4. Go on a site called for more beauts !

    What does GTFO mean? He is a bag of shit that young girls like !

  5. Is Fourskin buying? I've got some I could get off my hands.

  6. GTFO = get the fuck out

    I saw a sign on a shop in Barcelona said "happy pills".
    Sadly this was at night and it was shut.

  7. I thought it was Kid Sex Change.
    That'd explain the Chastity/Chaz Bono phenomenon.

  8. In Maryland and Delaware, there's a chain of stores called "Happy Harry's Drugs."
    I guess it's no secret why he's happy.

  9. When i was in amsterdam i saw a shop that had a sign in it saying " Alsatian porn for sale" !

    I dont know what is more disturbing ? The fact they are advertising that filth or the fact that they have a variety of dog porn and "Alsation porn" is something to shout about ! Gotta love Amsterdam !

  10. Errr Stu, I know you're stupid an all that but you do realise that Alsation can also mean a version of the German language ?

    Bet you were well disappointed when you put the DVD on.

  11. I think your a little mixed up with the whole political debate about the dog actually being a German shepherd !!

    Don't worry dcg I won't judge ! Your in stupid company !
